pondělí 16. června 2008

Hello everybody!

How do you do?
I feel good...
I got into my choose high school.
I am writtig strories with HP theme - three. One of those is writting with my love, working woman Šárinka. :D ( This is NOT advertisement! :D)
One is only my head ano second is as a matter of fact too in my head.
I would translate suh as: ,,Life go along" - ,,Život de dál". It is story publication long time ago. Coming soon its first birthay. :D Oh! It's lovely! :D :-* But second for now haven´t any name - yeah, it have, but no for public.
OH! Byt I write only ,,I"!
What about You?
What is new?
What do you still doing?
Write me something about your incoming holidays!
My will be in sing writting, sunbathing and shopping! :D
Your Assez!

neděle 23. března 2008

In the Zoo

I have got a new job! Since last Monday I've been working in the zoo in Brno. I'm in a terrarium section, there are various snakes, turtles, iguanas and other sweet animals there. None of the animals is poisonous, which is good :) Some of the snakes are a bit dangerous and they could bite, but for example iguanas (not all of them, of course) are quite friendly and like to be fondled.
If you're not interested in this sort of animals (I mean snakes and turtles), you can at least come to see the newborn polar bears. I saw them playing on Friday during my turn (somebody has to watch visitors all the time and prevent them from doing something bad to the bears). They are SO beautiful.

čtvrtek 6. března 2008


I didn't write here for a long time too. I'm sorry,but I´m very lazy now. I must study vocabulary, I must cook,iron, clean up atc. But I'm sitting and looking at the window on sun, trees and flowers. Spring will be soon.Snow-drops are already blooming. I very like spring.Have a nice day, everybody.

Hello everybody!

How are you today?
I thinking.
I didn't write here a long time. I'm sorry for that.
But now... I'm writing and I don't know ..what.
What do you mean?
Maybe I will wright about sun. Maybe about clouds. Maybe all of it.
And maybe I will go learn vocabulary. Yeah... I will.
See you later. Ehm... Ciao for now. ;)

středa 13. února 2008


Hello,I´m reading a book Harry Potter 7 now and it is not bad,but Harry Potter5 was better.Have you read the book?I think that yes.For you, what have not read the book I warmly advise:-)

neděle 10. února 2008

On Sunday

It is Sunday. The weather is excellent. The sun is shining. Perhaps it is cold. I don't know, but I think it. I'm sitting in my room all day and I'm learning the Immunology. Antigen, antibody, autoimmune disease, ... - this words are seeing my eyes, are hearing my ears. Why? Why must I learning? I don't like it. But I have a exam next week. So, I must learning.

Have a nice day!

čtvrtek 7. února 2008

Janča - Hello

I´m really really sorry, that I have no time to give here something. So...something about today. When I have had lesson in school, we were talking about Scotland. 15 minutes in English! I know, it isn´t much but when I must form the sentenses, I have feeling, that I have too much headspace. But I have feeling, that my English is better and better. These are first small steps but I´m very happy. Thanks Chalibda, that you teach us. It was perfect idea to start with this school. :-)